This is just a guide on how you can manage the AW syndicates without using a cloud wallet. You can do it all through their interface, but as of now, that require you to use the WAX Cloud Wallet. If you just want to quickly find your way, click on the outline to get to that section.
- Planet details
- How to run as candidate
- How to get Planet Tokens
- How to vote for Candidate(s)
Planet details:
Note that Neri has a different dac_id structure compared to the others.
Planet Name | Planet Account | Planet DAC_ID | Planet Token |
Kavian | | kavian | KAV |
Veles | | veles | VEL |
Eyeke | | eyeke | EYE |
Naron | | naron | NAR |
Magor | | magor | MAG |
Neri | | nerix | NER |
Sign up as candidate:
1) dao.worlds:stprofile

your candidacy info, the profile data is just a json with 3 information field, a link to your profile image, what you wanna be called, and then your candidacy details.
cand: your_account
dac_id: dac_id_of_planet
profile:{"image":"link_to_image","givenName":"your_showcased_name","description":"description of your candidacy and so forth."}
2) token.worlds:memberreg

We have to sign their member agreement, you better read that before you sign up as a candidate, specially the 6th part of the agreement... You agree to a lot of things as a candidate.
agreedterms: NA
dac_id: dac_id_of_planet
sender: your_account
3) dao.worlds:nominatecane

nominate yourself as candidate, this action will allow people to vote for you.
cand: your_account
dac_id: dac_id_of_planet
requestedpay: 0.0000 TLM
Stake TLM for Planet token:
1) alien.worlds:transfer

Just a normal transfer of TLM tokens to the Federation account with the memo of "staking"
2) federation:stake

stake TLM to the planet you want, this will give you a return of the planet token of your choice.
account: Your_account
planet_name: planet_account_name
quantity: amount of TLM
Vote for candidate(s):
1) token.worlds:staketime

pick how long stake duration to use, the number is just how many seconds you wanna stake for.
Days | Time_seconds |
7 days | 604800 |
14 days | 1209600 |
30 days | 2592000 |
60 days | 5184000 |
90 days | 7776000 |
The 4 in token symbol is just how many decimals that token has. All planet tokens has 4 decimals.
account: your_account
token_symbol: 4,planet_token
unstake_time: chosen_time_in_seconds
2) token.worlds:stake

This action locks up your token for the chosen duration above, so remember that.
account: your_account
quantity: amount_of_tokens_to_lock_up
3) token.worlds:memberreg

sign their member agreement if you have not yet, one per planet
Remember to check it out, there's a lot of lawyer stuff in it...
agreedterms: NA
dac_id: dac_id_of_planet
sender: your_account
4) dao.worlds:votecust

You can vote for up to 2 people per account you use. So if you got a lot of TLM and want to spread that out on multiple candidates, you need to use multiple accounts. Keep in mind, the member agreement says you can NOT use multiple accounts.
dac_id: dac_id_of_planet
newvotes: ["vote_1","vote_2"]
voter: your_account
You throw your votes to the account name that run for candidate.